Yeah, I've been trying to source good baking yeast, as well as flour, as we're getting low on the latter. I've been able to get plain bread flour from Tesco, which will do. We mix it with other flours we keep (buckwheat, spelt, whatever) and it makes a decent loaf. I managed to snag a delivery slot for the 4th, and have ordered more - will be interesting to see if it arrives or not.
I did finally, after much searching, find Red Star Dry Active Yeast from the USA, but it was going to cost me $24 for one pound of it. (Which is a heck of a lot of yeast.) But since it's usually about $4, I couldn't make myself do it. If anyone wants to go in halfsies, I might consider that. No telling how long it would take to get here, though. I'm still scouting for Bob's Red Mill yeast, which is about the best I've used, but since all of America is now on the same trajectory (baking at home) we are on, it's also sold out everywhere.
Interesting on the flour. They are saying it's from all the home bakers buying it up. I am wondering how much the failure of the winter wheat crop and the floods preventing replanting it have to do with the supply? I would assume that most of the available flour and that which is being imported is going to commercial uses, so it might be some time before an adequate supply of really good baking flour is available for the "home baker".