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Topic: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions  (Read 2917 times)

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ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« on: April 20, 2020, 10:19:09 AM »
I haven't posted here for ages, but some of you may remember me from several posts - my most famous being my driver's license saga.... (I'm making that famous part up actually, but it was quite the saga!)  I hope you are all well, and as for us we are just fine - happily (if not slightly bored) staying at home and (mostly) out of trouble.  :)

Anyway, we are just about to submit my application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (whoohoo!!!), and I just want to confirm I have the procedure down correctly.  Our situation remains unchanged, and I've passed the Life in the UK test awhile back so there really isn't anything problematic.  We were going to make a priority application, but I know those are out - and we get to save the 800 pounds, which I plan to spend on a lovely celebration when this is all over! 

As for the application, my understanding is:

Fill out the online application, and send it in via internet - with full payment.   At this point nothing is snail mailed in, but we have the pile of required documentation, passports, completed spouse declaration form, etc. 

At some point (when things open back up again) we will be given a biometrics appointment.  During this appointment - for an extra fee - they will scan your documents which will be sent (the scans) along with your biometric info.

Is this it?  I don't see any requests for passport type pictures on the application - are they no longer required, or did I just miss that?

Thank you for your help, as always this site is invaluable and I know for a fact I wouldn't have gotten this far with out you all!
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2020, 10:36:45 AM »
Welcome back, Becca :)

As for the application, my understanding is:

Fill out the online application, and send it in via internet - with full payment.   At this point nothing is snail mailed in, but we have the pile of required documentation, passports, completed spouse declaration form, etc. 

At some point (when things open back up again) we will be given a biometrics appointment.  During this appointment - for an extra fee - they will scan your documents which will be sent (the scans) along with your biometric info.

Is this it? 

Pretty much.

At the moment, you just need to submit your online application and pay the visa fee  before your visa expires. You also need to register an account with the UKVCAS website.

You then need to keep checking the UKVCAS website for updates and when they announce that the centres are opening up again, you can go ahead and book your biometrics appointment - you won't be 'given' an appointment... you are responsible for checking the website and booking it yourself when they are available again.

You can either upload all your documents at home before your appointment, or you can pay an extra fee when you book the appointment (or book an Enhanced Appointment) and they will scan and upload your documents for you at the appointment.

Nothing is snail-mailed in at all anymore. Everything is submitted and uploaded online.

I don't see any requests for passport type pictures on the application - are they no longer required, or did I just miss that?

Nope, passport photos are no longer required.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 10:39:18 AM by ksand24 »

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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2020, 11:26:33 AM »
Thanks Ksand!  It's nice to have that confirmed. 

I guess they aren't as concerned with having original documents in the applications if you can upload at home.  Although I noticed the applicant is certifying that the original documents are at hand.

I'll have to go look for the UKVCAS website and register.  I had missed that bit, so it's very good to know!
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2020, 12:09:02 PM »
Thanks Ksand!  It's nice to have that confirmed. 

I guess they aren't as concerned with having original documents in the applications if you can upload at home.  Although I noticed the applicant is certifying that the original documents are at hand.

Yes. You still need the original documents it’s just that you can scan and upload them now. If you upload at home, it’s also a good idea to take all the documents to your appointment as well, just in case something didn’t scan properly and they need to redo it.

I'll have to go look for the UKVCAS website and register.  I had missed that bit, so it's very good to know!

I don’t believe you can register until after you have applied for the visa as you will need your application confirmation details to register.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2020, 12:19:57 PM »
Ahhh, now it all makes sense.  Unfortunately, for me anyway, the instructions don't become clear until after the application is final, and I'm always afraid I'll mess something up so I'm afraid to finalize!  A sticky conundrum that..... or just an overly nervous applicant.    ::)

Thanks again Ksand.  I hope you and yours are all staying healthy and doing well.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2020, 01:09:14 PM »
Hi Becca and Ksand24!
Wow I'm sure glad to see you posted a question and Ksand24 always knows her stuff! Just as before I'm doing this at the same time as you and so glad I found your questions, same as mine but I was even less informed, it answered lots of my questions.

I'll start a new thread to ask some other specific questions but one question- I never heard of UKVCAS. When we submit the online application is there going to be a link provided or do we need to go on our own? If so can someone provide a link so I know I'm at the right place?

I hope you are both well and keeping sanity during all this, I am beginning to get depressed because all I've done is think of getting food, growing food and cooking food! hahaha and I really want to get back to my artwork!
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2020, 01:17:18 PM »
I'll start a new thread to ask some other specific questions but one question- I never heard of UKVCAS. When we submit the online application is there going to be a link provided or do we need to go on our own? If so can someone provide a link so I know I'm at the right place?

UKVCAS are UKVI's new commercial partner for applications made in the UK (run by Sopra Steria). The application process changed a year or so ago and Sopra Steria/UKVCAS were brought in to manage application submissions, priority services and biometrics appointments, instead of giving biometrics at the Post Office or booking an appointment at a UKVI Premium Centre.

After you submit your online application, you go to the UKVCAS/Sopra Steria website to register an account with them, to book your biometrics appointment and to upload your supporting documents:

At the moment, all biometrics appointments are suspended as the UKVCAS centres are closed due to the virus, but you can still register with them (after applying online), and you just need to check their site for updates on when they reopen and when you can book appointments again.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2020, 02:58:06 PM »
Oh I see, I'll go have a look on their website, thanks so much! So that means the large post office I went to in Durham won't be the same place I go to for my Biometrics, it'll be a place that they manage? I'll look on their website and see if it shows locations.
Thank you ksand24!
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2020, 04:25:15 PM »
Hi Mary!  I'm glad to hear you're still out there chugging along the visa trail like we are. Fun, fun, fun!   ;D

I see Ksand answered your question, but I will confirm there is a link at the end of the application process that takes you to the needed site to register for the biometric appointment - when they are open again.  I'm not certain, but it looks like there's a place in Newcastle that will take your biometrics and scan documents. 

Yes, these are anxious times and so much is unknown.  With out a doubt we are quite lucky in our situation, and I've never been so grateful for our garden.  But as my husband says, it's one thing to choose to stay home and quite another to have to.  I know what you mean about the search for food - for awhile I felt some kinship with our hunter gathering ancestors!  Although that may be a bit of a stretch.....  ;)   
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2020, 09:14:26 PM »
thank you Becca for the added information, most helpful! I used the link ksand24 gave and had a good look around. I did see there's a location in Newcastle at the library. My husband is freaking out about my having to expose myself (that sounds funny! hahah) at a very public place like this. We've been so careful about not being around anyone and not going to shops either. Anyways I'm going to start a new thread to ask questions so I don't highjack yours! haha

Hope you're keeping safe, glad to hear you have a garden to get into, I'd be lost without mine.
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2020, 09:26:07 PM »
thank you Becca for the added information, most helpful! I used the link ksand24 gave and had a good look around. I did see there's a location in Newcastle at the library.

Just be aware that only certain types of appointments are offered at certain centres, so it depends what service you will be booking (i.e. free appointment, enhanced appointment, out-of-hours appointment, scanning service etc.) as to where you can book your appointment.

My husband is freaking out about my having to expose myself (that sounds funny! hahah) at a very public place like this. We've been so careful about not being around anyone and not going to shops either. Anyways I'm going to start a new thread to ask questions so I don't highjack yours! haha

Well, all the biometrics centres are closed right now anyway and no one is allowed to go to them. It could be several weeks, maybe even months, before you can actually book and attend a biometrics appointment.

The only thing you need to worry about right now is submitting your online application before your current visa expires. Everything else can be sorted out once the biometrics centres reopen and you can book your appointment.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2020, 11:17:27 PM »
Hi, yes you're right about just getting it in on time and then we all have to wait. As long as it's the government saying when things open we won't be late with the biometrics. I hope they wait a good long time so we know what's really going on with this virus.

The location it showed for Newcastle Library did have several things listed that you could do there. I'm sorry I don't remember offhand what it said now, but I'll post that when I get to look again.

Thanks again ksand24, you're really such a help to everyone on here!  :D
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2020, 08:51:16 AM »
Yes, I thought the Newcastle library spot included the document scanning service as well, but I guess until things open up it won't be super clear.  In any case, it's great to have our part done and now we wait until further notice.  Lots of waiting going on lately.   :)

Oh, and did I mention that they took the payment straight away?   ::)

No surprise there, and at least we won't be caught by any fee increases.   :D
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2020, 08:48:55 PM »
I am just a few months behind you (I need to submit my ILR after 10 June) and was wondering how the process changed. Fortunately, I passed my Life in the UK test on 14 March, and I guess that was just before everything shut down. I nearly rescheduled, but I'm very glad I went ahead and did it.
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Re: ILR Application Procedure under Covid 19 Restrictions
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2020, 08:43:15 AM »
That was fortunate!  Just shows how much better it is not to procrastinate!   ;D

This from the person who swore up and down I'd get my LITUK test done in 2018 and finally got it done in 2019!  Oh well, it's done at least.

Good luck with everything else in your application.  It seems easy enough, but it sure is a hurry up and wait (and wait, and wait....) situation!
Here 2 years as of Oct. 1, 2016.

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