I haven't posted here for ages, but some of you may remember me from several posts - my most famous being my driver's license saga.... (I'm making that famous part up actually, but it was quite the saga!) I hope you are all well, and as for us we are just fine - happily (if not slightly bored) staying at home and (mostly) out of trouble.

Anyway, we are just about to submit my application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (whoohoo!!!), and I just want to confirm I have the procedure down correctly. Our situation remains unchanged, and I've passed the Life in the UK test awhile back so there really isn't anything problematic. We were going to make a priority application, but I know those are out - and we get to save the 800 pounds, which I plan to spend on a lovely celebration when this is all over!
As for the application, my understanding is:
Fill out the online application, and send it in via internet - with full payment. At this point nothing is snail mailed in, but we have the pile of required documentation, passports, completed spouse declaration form, etc.
At some point (when things open back up again) we will be given a biometrics appointment. During this appointment - for an extra fee - they will scan your documents which will be sent (the scans) along with your biometric info.
Is this it? I don't see any requests for passport type pictures on the application - are they no longer required, or did I just miss that?
Thank you for your help, as always this site is invaluable and I know for a fact I wouldn't have gotten this far with out you all!