Daughter is still chafing to go back to the USA. Where there will be no work and where we will be in lock-down (realistically) for many more months. We will have a two-week quarantine when we arrive, and then have to find a place to live. Have done a lot of legwork up front and so we have a number of options - have contacted the places, so if they still have vacancies it'll be easier. They report that very few people are moving right now (shocker there) so that's as lined up as it can be.
Scotland has a very low Covid rate at present. It's still on more of a lockdown than England is. (England, who is going to allow people to go to foreign countries to congregate at beaches there, etc., and then come back home with "souvineers." Yes, I know they are doing it to save the travel industry. But they're going to pay for it. Would have been nice if they'd discussed this with the other three countries in the "United" kingdom before announcing it on BBC that "The UK has"....) Anyway, Scotland is relatively safe. The USA is a train wreck. The area we are planning to go to has been there and come back already, but is still bound to be less safe than sitting here.
BUT, things will kick off again in a big way in a few months, with schools starting back and people thinking it's all over. When that overlaps with the flu season, it could get ugly again. Which would mean more lockdowns. So if we don't get out in the next few months, I think it'll be next year. (We are dependent on the moving company being able to work, otherwise we could go at any time. They can supposedly start working again tomorrow.)
Yeah, travel is a stressor all around.

I read this morning that there was a cluster caused by people sharing a cigarette lighter somewhere. So all travel would need to be "hands in pockets" with masks, and wiping everything down with sanitizing wipes, not eating while in transit anything we didn't bring with us, and worrying the whole time that the person who sat near us for part of the journey was infected and didn't know it. It seems if you step outside your home, you're taking risks with it. Traveling locally is more dangerous. Traveling internationally seems unwise if there is any way to not have to do so. I think it's going to be that way for a good year, at least. Extra care is going to be required - especially when traveling to/from the USA.