It's quite visibly not in my head, my toes are curling and snapping back when pulled straight! There are some weird genetic neurodegenerative conditions in my extended family (cousin just died from metachromatic leukodystrophy), and extremely high rates of MS where I grew up, so I'm quite scared and getting very limited support. I am really hoping if it isnt rheumatology related (have also had joint swelling and stiffness) they will know enough to refer me to the right consultant.
Argh, I'm so frustrated on your behalf!
I'm sure you've already thought of these things, but to throw them out there anyway:
Second opinion from another GP? At my surgery, there are quite a few GPs. Most are okay, a few are outstanding, but there are 1-2 I've run into that are absolutely awful. Everything is depression or anxiety or weight. Full stop. No discussion. End scene. I deliberately try and get appointments with anyone else when possible.
If your GP appointments have been phone based, request an in-person appointment to show a GP what's happening to your body? So they can see it themselves? Or take pictures and/or videos and submit them as evidence?
If you have a condition in mind that seems consistent with your symptoms, get in contact with one of the charities associated with that condition? Some of them can help patients who are running into issues getting referred, suggest what evidence you could prepare to get a GP to take you more seriously, and so on.
Can you speak to one of your specialists and get support from them if you have a good relationship with them? My physio noticed I was having breathing issues, asked if I was going to be having a workup of my lungs, and I said that one of my GPs wanted to keep treating for asthma for a few more weeks to see if that was the culprit. She said she could write a letter to the GP asking for a deeper look into my breathing, saying she noticed it at my physio session and was worried it was more than asthma. Not a guarantee it would do anything, but worth a try perhaps?
As I said, I'm sure these have crossed your mind already, but also for the benefit of anyone else reading who might want/need some inspiration to help with referrals.