The people of the UK look at healthcare as a basic human right.
What? British citizens (born and raised in the UK) do not think healthcare is a basic human right. We KNOW that the NHS is limited in what in provides as the NHS is funded by a few, for the many. The more that take, the less there is.
The higher earners that are employees will pay the most towards the NHS in taxes and NICs and will likely also have private insurance (which reduces the burden on the NHS). Those getting private insurance as perk, will also pay taxes on that perk. They also won't be asking for any welfare benefits either (also paid out of taxation) as they are keeping their own family on their earnings. The Self Employed, unemployed, low earners etc, pay very little/nothing.
Unlike other countries that have their healthcare system funded by insurance, the NHS is funded mainly by general taxation and NIC. It's impossible for the NHS to pay for everything and that is why we buy private insurance or have savings to pay for private healthcare. Healthcare packages to other countries are also on offer, which many will use and we fund ourselves.
This is nothing new. Decades ago, I read a book on whether it is better to pay for insurance with all the limitations, or to use that money to fund healthcare when we need it. We can pay private to use the NHS and that money will also fund that Trust (hospital) for those who can't pay. Or we can use one of the many packages on offer to go to other countries for private healthcare, which are likely cheaper.
The NHS is free, IF that person is allowed to use the NHS AND that Treatment/medicine is funded by the NHS.
Just last month, I saw a migrant on a forum state that their elderly parents visiting them in UK, can have free healthcare as it is a human right. They were promptly told that even British citizens who visit the UK and have paid all their working taxes to the UK, get billed to use the NHS. There are often stories in the media where a migrant complains because the NHS does not fund what they want for free and and they had expected to be given that: or the NHS won’t treat them at as they don’t have legal status. Some don't seem to understand that it is impossible for the NHS to pay for everything as it is not insurance based.