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Topic: COVID  (Read 81122 times)

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« Reply #690 on: June 23, 2022, 03:04:42 PM »
Without question, I think a huge impact to covid numbers is that there are NO MORE RULES.  So if you have covid,  you are in this weird state of flux of the government saying "no more rules, we have to live with covid" and the drill we had for two years of "stay home, save lives".

Case, in point.  My husband took a test on Monday morning after I did one that was positive.  It was positive.  He has a really really really critical week at work this week (meetings that have been in the diary for 2 months with several people travelling from out of town for a big summit today).  He stayed home on Monday but it was very much "Ummm, what am I supposed to do?"  He felt fine.  He wouldn't have known he was positive if he hadn't taken a test.

Since then, he has become quite unwell.  And he's glad he stayed home.  And unfortunately numerous people have become ill this week and at 10am this morning, they decided to cancel and reschedule the giant summit for today. 

It's hard.  I have tickets to a 2020 rescheduled event in mid-July that I would happily request a refund for.  My heart just isn't in it anymore.  But there is no option of a refund....  so I'll go.  And probably get covid a third time....   ::)

Yeah, it’s really tough these days.

I hope your husband feels better soon.

My wife just told me that her sister now feels just fine and tested negative today. If she tests negative again tomorrow then she will go to supermarket.

Meanwhile my next door neighbor who tested positive some weeks ago but had no symptoms looks like he may have long Covid, feeling tired all the time. He gave a blood sample today and has a GP appointment in a few days time. The GP is already talking about referring him to a  “long Covid” clinic.
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« Reply #691 on: June 23, 2022, 03:07:28 PM »
I'm not finding much of a report on if Covid cases have increased after Download Festival (Few weeks ago) or Bonnaroo in Tennessee (last weekend).  Both surely had to have had some impact. 

Looks like cases went up 139% after Coachella , although hospitalisations only went up 3%.

Glastonbury on this week. 

Hope you and hubby are starting to feel better KFDancer? 
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 03:16:39 PM by phatbeetle »
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« Reply #692 on: June 23, 2022, 04:25:59 PM »
I'm not finding much of a report on if Covid cases have increased after Download Festival (Few weeks ago) or Bonnaroo in Tennessee (last weekend).  Both surely had to have had some impact. 

Looks like cases went up 139% after Coachella , although hospitalisations only went up 3%.

Glastonbury on this week. 

Hope you and hubby are starting to feel better KFDancer? 

Yeah, a guy from work is at Glastonbury.  On Monday, he said to me, "Damn, this means I'm going to have Covid next week, doesn't it?"  I said, "Yes, absolutely.  You will be me next week." 

My husband has actually been pretty well overall.  He's not well, but he has energy.  A bit of ebb and flow, with being pretty tired at the end of the day.  On the flip side, I've been all over the place.  Literally changes by the hour.  I was on a call yesterday and just had to declare that I needed to log off and went and slept half the day.  But I actually ate a small bit before bed last night and have forced a small meal down today.  No appetite but at least I don't feel sick at the thought of food.  At the moment I have more energy than I did have, but that'll change soon I suspect. 

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« Reply #693 on: June 23, 2022, 06:17:01 PM »
Yeah, a guy from work is at Glastonbury.  On Monday, he said to me, "Damn, this means I'm going to have Covid next week, doesn't it?"  I said, "Yes, absolutely.  You will be me next week." 

My husband has actually been pretty well overall.  He's not well, but he has energy.  A bit of ebb and flow, with being pretty tired at the end of the day.  On the flip side, I've been all over the place.  Literally changes by the hour.  I was on a call yesterday and just had to declare that I needed to log off and went and slept half the day.  But I actually ate a small bit before bed last night and have forced a small meal down today.  No appetite but at least I don't feel sick at the thought of food.  At the moment I have more energy than I did have, but that'll change soon I suspect.
Rest when you need to, that'll reduce your chance of getting long covid. I hope you're able to shake it soon.

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« Reply #694 on: June 24, 2022, 09:38:33 AM »
Aww, rest up KFDancer and I hope you're all on the mend soon. Covid sucks!!

Interestingly, Jonathan Van Tam was on Radio 4 this morning talking about respiratory viruses and getting ready for the pressure this winter because of the normality of everything now.  He was asked if he wears a face mask and he said something along the lines of  'No I don't wear a face covering.  Except in areas where there going to be large crowds of people all crammed together in a confined space, which is where it is important to' .
Ahh, interview here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61923316

When I got Covid, I was doing all the 'right' things. Same as most folks.  And we still got it.   So kind of makes you shrug....  (And kids need to go to school and do their activities. Kids are germ factories at the best of times, so it's no wonder all the parents I know have had Covid, sometimes a few times).
A highly transmissible virus that will be here to stay for the foreseeable future.  Just need to do the best we can to stay as healthy as we can and also hope that medicine can help sort out long Covid (and maybe a few other autoimmune conditions along the way, please?) 
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 03:20:56 PM by phatbeetle »
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« Reply #695 on: June 24, 2022, 10:01:18 AM »
It's the Russian roulette nature of Covid that bothers me the most. Will it be severe or not, will it end up being long Covid or not?  I'm still trying to limit our risk as much as possible.

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« Reply #696 on: June 24, 2022, 10:08:29 AM »
Aww, rest up KFDancer and I hope you're all on the mend soon. Covid sucks!!

Interestingly, Jonathan Van Tam was on Radio 4 this morning talking about respiratory viruses and getting ready for the pressure this winter because of the normality of everything now.  He was asked if he wears a face mask and he said something along the lines of  'No I don't wear a face covering.  Except in areas where there going to be large crowds of people all crammed together in a confined space, which is where it is important to' .

When I got Covid, I was doing all the 'right' things. Same as most folks.  And we still got it.   So kind of makes you shrug....  (And kids need to go to school and do their activities. Kids are germ factories at the best of times, so it's no wonder all the parents I know have had Covid, sometimes a few times).
A highly transmissible virus that will be here to stay for the foreseeable future.  Just need to do the best we can to stay as healthy as we can and also hope that medicine can help sort out long Covid (and maybe a few other autoimmune conditions along the way, please?) 

Yup, our first time was curtesy of our little shag trophies.  Nothing that could be done.  Thankfully they each have one jab in their arms now (you guys know how I worry about my son in particular).

I should have worn a mask on Saturday, no doubt.  MAJOR lesson learned.  Hopefully without serious repercussions and I'm fortunate enough to learn from it.  It's silly because had I been with a friend who wanted me to mask up, I would without hesitation.  But I don't do it for myself.  I think I need to challenge myself on that a bit more.  I do think I was complacent thinking that I've had ALLLLLLL the jabs, and natural infection, had antibody tests that showed good antibodies, and my first infection was no big deal.  Well....  I'm smarter now. 

Sadly, I do still believe it's inevitable that we will all get it (bit like the chicken pox).  But I didn't think we'd continue to get it over and over.  It does seem to mutate as quick as the cold virus though, so I suspect it could be a couple of times a year.

I do wonder if my husband has been much better than me as he had a spring booster?  Or is it just luck of the draw?

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« Reply #697 on: June 24, 2022, 05:28:34 PM »
I really don't want to start some huge mask row, but you guys are all talking like masks prevent you from getting COVID.  I thought the accepted wisdom was that it only stops you from passing it to other people and was useless at stopping you from getting it. 

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« Reply #698 on: June 24, 2022, 06:23:55 PM »
I really don't want to start some huge mask row, but you guys are all talking like masks prevent you from getting COVID.  I thought the accepted wisdom was that it only stops you from passing it to other people and was useless at stopping you from getting it. 

Yeah, I remember that. But I’m also miserable and would be willing to lick fur to make this nastiness go away.

But I’m willing to bet people who HAD Covid weren’t wearing a mask…. 

But yes, I will remember this as my argument to my mother who acts like people who have caught Covid are horrible dirty scum.  When all I’m actually guilty of is BREATHING. 

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« Reply #699 on: June 24, 2022, 06:49:16 PM »
I really don't want to start some huge mask row, but you guys are all talking like masks prevent you from getting COVID.  I thought the accepted wisdom was that it only stops you from passing it to other people and was useless at stopping you from getting it.

As I said above, my wife’s sister said that she and one other were the only ones in her walking party of 9 to religiously wear their masks during their 9 day hike yet she was the one that caught Covid, almost certainly from of the nay B&Bs they stopped at on the way.
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« Reply #700 on: June 24, 2022, 08:48:33 PM »
I really don't want to start some huge mask row, but you guys are all talking like masks prevent you from getting COVID.  I thought the accepted wisdom was that it only stops you from passing it to other people and was useless at stopping you from getting it.
A well fitting N95 or higher protects the wearer too, so if you are infected either from the exposure while wearing it (mask slipped momentarily) or in the lower risk moments you took it off, it's likely the viral load will be smaller and lead to a milder infection. I don't know what it means for LC risk if you do catch it.

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« Reply #701 on: June 24, 2022, 10:25:50 PM »
A well fitting N95 or higher protects the wearer too, so if you are infected either from the exposure while wearing it (mask slipped momentarily) or in the lower risk moments you took it off, it's likely the viral load will be smaller and lead to a milder infection. I don't know what it means for LC risk if you do catch it.

I'm not sure anyone does. The studies I've seen are puzzling at how they can't judge, because people with even seemingly mild cases can, down the line, end up with nasty long covid symptoms. There's some studies seeming to show that the newest version is turning out to be targeting lungs again, where the most recent Omicrons were just doing a general hit.

One thing people do seem to forget - if it's in the air, it's in the air. There are reports of people in hotel rooms across the hall from each other, one positive one not, and the not ended up positive when neither had opened their doors. So airflow matters, apparently. What to do? Duct tape a hotel room door closed once you're inside, so you can take off your mask?  8)  We travel, and we rarely do now although we have made a few over-nighters, with a portable hepa grade air filter that gets turned on as soon as we're in our room, and we do not de-mask for at least a half-hour (based on the rate of airflow it's rated to clean). So far, so good.

On the masks. Anything other than an N-95 or better will slow larger droplets down, which can help lessen the crud you're shooting out into the air with every exhalation - the larger, gooey droplets stick to the mask and some of those that get through get slowed down. But the smaller particles keep right on going - and if the mask is ill-fitting, everything goes wherever there's an air leak, in both directions. But they don't stop a lot of it, so you want N-95 or better.

Something that may be of use to the neighbor, Durhamlad.  Ancedotal info trading among the researchers where there's been Covid in the household. By keeping air purifiers (Hepa Merv 13 or higher filters) going, plus wearing well-fitting N-95s, kept the rest of the families from catching it. (With relative isolation of the ill person, of course.)  Don't know if there's been studies - I haven't been looking at that aspect of things.

Also may or may not be of interest, but this twitter feed has (along with a lot of lamenting as to why people are acting like people) some cutting edge stuff come across it, from time to time.  https://nitter.it/kprather88

So, the latest here - Daughter was volunteering on the board of a local nonprofit organization. She stopped going to the meetings because they were in small rooms with poor airflow and the other members were not masked up. She asked, politely, in writing if they would please do so, because they were putting her in a dangerous situation due to her health issues. She said she hoped they would so that she could once again attend and carry out her duties. No word. No word. No word. Then a letter from the organization's lawyer suggesting she not darken their doorstep until the epidemic was over or she was "no longer immunocompromised". They had "tried repeatedly" (one phone message, which she responded to by email) to reach her to discuss "her concerns" and were left with no other option. She is to do nothing relating to the organization, and that includes going on-site for any reason. Right. I saw her message to them that prompted this - very professional, nothing in it that should have resulted in this.

I try to lighten the mood by thinking at least there's not Polio in our wastewater, as there is in London. Apparently some local spread there. I'd be watching that carefully, even though I've been vaccinated, if I was there. Let us hope THAT one is not making a comeback. I remember the polio summers. Not, not good. Will make Covid look like a hayride.   :(  (If you're not familiar, look up the term "Iron Lung".)

Hey, yeah, I know. But it's kind of an "at least it's not as bad as those other guys have it right now" kinda thing. But then I turn on the TV and there's the Supreme Court....

As I said, I think I understand Medieval hermits a bit more, lately.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 11:01:26 PM by Nan D. »

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« Reply #702 on: June 25, 2022, 10:47:08 AM »
We were hiking in Wales a few weeks back an ran into some American tourists who had been travelling with a tour group.  They had to stay in the UK for a few extra weeks because lots of the people in their group tested positive  and they couldn't go back to the states until they had a negative PCR test.   It wasn't fun for them and they wanted to go home.  I guess a lot of people don't know that if you come here, you ARE going to catch it. 

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« Reply #703 on: June 25, 2022, 12:37:06 PM »
Too bad about their timing. If it was after June 12th, Covid tests are no longer required for entry.
It was costing the travel industry too much money.

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« Reply #704 on: June 25, 2022, 08:11:42 PM »
We were hiking in Wales a few weeks back an ran into some American tourists who had been travelling with a tour group.  They had to stay in the UK for a few extra weeks because lots of the people in their group tested positive  and they couldn't go back to the states until they had a negative PCR test.   It wasn't fun for them and they wanted to go home.  I guess a lot of people don't know that if you come here, you ARE going to catch it.
I told some of my friends this before a music festival that we ended up selling our tickets for, and they didn't believe me. One was severely ill but somehow negative on their test and flew home, 2 others had a long stay with mild infections. Because it was at a holiday site there were lovely things like scabies too. No thanks! Think I will continue to give that a miss for the foreseeable.

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