Perhaps Covid has to a small degree been a Blessing in disguise - it's given us the opportunity to really think about what is important in life, how short life can be, and how much our loved ones mean to us. It was so easy to be distracted from those things in the hustle-bustle world of Pre-Covid. Too easy to forget until someone is taken from us prematurely - it's so easy to think they'll always be there, wherever "there" happens to be. Being forced, without the option to do otherwise, to slow down and examine one's true circumstances could be shaped into a force for good in one's life - assuming one survives it all, of course. In any event, I'm sure none of us will ever forget ~this~ Christmas and holiday season. Hopefully.
Here we've had "The Christmas Star" (the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter) in the evening sky, several feet of snow, and are now under a flood warning. We have also been alerted to expect power outages on Christmas, due to gale-force winds that are to accompany the torrential rains that are going to cause the flooding. We've gotten the candles out, the batteries are charged for the radio, and we're now sipping good coffee while enjoying watching the Cardinals and Juncos feed at the seed we put out on our balcony for them. The universe goes on, Covid or no Covid.
I hope all of you are safe and sound, and that those dear to you are similarly situated. And that you have a good Christmas.