What do you qualify for with 62k savings?
It's a way of meeting the financial requirement for a fiance or spousal visa if you don't have any other income.
There are various different categories in which the financial requirement can be met (some categories can be combined, others can't):
Category A and B: Employment Income (Salaried or non-salaried employment)
Category C: Non-Employment Income (i.e. rent from property you own, interest from stocks/shares, academic stipends, child maintenance etc.)
Category D: Cash Savings
Category E: Pension Income
Category F and G: Self-Employment Income
So, if you have a certain amount in cash savings, which have been held in full in your bank account(s) for at least 6 months, you can use those savings to meet the financial requirement under Category D, without needing to have any employment income
However, the minimum amount of cash savings needed to meet Category D on its own is £62,500. This is because the first £16,000 of savings don't count, and then you need to show you have the same amount in savings as 2.5 years' worth of £18,600 annual income. So, the savings requirement calculation is: £16,000 + (2.5 years x £18,600) = £62,500
Alternatively, say your UK partner is employed, but doesn't earn enough to meet the £18,600 requirement, you can combine savings with that income to meet the requirement. In which case, the calculation is £16,000 + [2.5 years x (£18,600 - UK partner's income)].
So, if for example, he only earns £12,000 per year, the financial requirement could be met by using his income of £12,000 plus cash savings of at least £32,500 (£16,000 + [2.5 x (£18,600 - £12,000)] = £32,500).