My wife is US/UK dual citizen, and I have only a US passport.
We've lived in the US for the last 20 years, and were together in the UK before that.
We're in our mid-50s and expect to retire in something like 5 years or so.
We won't stay in the US to retire, and we are considering the UK as well as France and possibly Spain and Portugal.
I'm very familiar with the US tax code and have always done my own returns, even during my two stints working in the UK.
However, I am quite ignorant about the UK tax system, and I would very much like to educate myself now, partly in order to improve tax strategies for making withdrawals during retirement.
Right now we have much more invested in traditional IRAs and other deferred-tax accounts than in Roth-flavored accounts. It's likely that we should start converting some of the TIRA money to Roth IRAs, since it seems that the UK does respect the favorable tax treatment that the US gives Roth IRA distributions (I'm not so sure about other countries yet in this regard).
Can anyone recommend a book on the UK tax code written for the US expat?
I've made a start by reading posts here, but it would be great to find books or websites.