Absolutely no judgement from me. Rant away. Do you mind if I do as well?
I get strep pretty easily and every year for the first few years I got it more than once. The GPs don't want to prescribe antibiotics (if you can even get a GP appt with less than 3 weeks notice), and I missed so much work I ended up getting written up to HR.
Then (insert heroic music here) I went to walk in clinic (no GP appointments for weeks) and had a Canadian doctor. I love that woman. My husband thought I was a wee bit loopy that I was always so sick, cold and down. He looks at the weather and just goes by the temp, which is much milder here than in GA in the winters. That wonderful Canadian doctor explained that winters here are wet and it's get in your bones, never get warm type of cold and she thought that's why I was getting ill with what I already seemed prone to get ill with. It was the first time I really felt heard. Like you said, it was affecting my mental health.
It's May and it's still like that this year. The cold is damp and seeping and I'm done with it. We better have both a hot and long summer to make up for it. If I'm not sitting outside in a t-shirt at 8pm in mid-October I will complain to management.
LOL I have a chronic sinus problem and it seem to get worse in UK. The symptoms are better when I am in a dry climate so I can relate to your strep issue. I use 2 boxes of Kleenex a week since I moved here.
I always look at British people with short sleeves when it is like 10 C out there ,wow, they must have a robust system.
I was invited to a dinner to French/ English couple last weekend and the husband doesn't seem to understand why I have difficulty adjusting to this weather. He was like " Isn't it colder in NY ? "
NY is cold for 2 months but May to October is totally plesant. There is hot summer and cold winter.
Not the same as perpetual chilly and 2 weeks summer
I do realize that Paris is one of few cities that has even worse climate than London. It rains way more than London ! Haha.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I checked next week temperature and yes there are days with 8 C and it will be June.
Thank god my husband is treating me nicely or I would have already left here for good