Ahh, I think Nan, it's very easy to worry and you feel kin and friendship to our country so of course you're watching with interest. The same in reverse as we watch our families and friends in the US act like nothing is happening now. It's easy for us to compare that way as we're in similar boats.
Okay, we can see too that Israel has a high proportion of folks vaccinated with Pfizer and there are some break through cases there at the moment and they're re-imposing indoor mask mandates there. Might be knee jerk, because we associate rising numbers with more deaths and that's a hard thing to get your head around being different after 18 months of pandemic. Of course, there is still the debilitation of long Covid, even if there are less deaths.
Also, it appears that the Chinese vaccine is really doing a terrible job! Many poor countries could only access the Chinese vaccine because the rich are hoarding the new technology ones and they're really struggling now with high case rates. These countries are pissed off!
Basically, of course, this is still very much a pandemic, we're not out of it yet, we are very lucky with high vaccine (of any kind) uptake. It's scary, things will continue to change, things may get worse before they get better and there might be waves of restrictions. There are many places in the world where it is getting worse, due to having no vaccine access. It will continue. There are places in the world where they act like there is no pandemic now and it will probably soon bite them in the backside. We won't know the full extent of anything until many years when we look at the data historically. And man, we have SO MUCH data now. There are fabulous Tableau charts from Scotland's public health that everyone can access can geek over. Amazing. But also ,can easily make someone anxious and confused.
What will we learn for the future? How can we prevent and plan for this again? Will we heed historical lessons, or will we have politicians who only care for themselves and not their constituents?
Stay safe and healthy friends!