Great thank you both, helpful as always!
So if my FLR visa was issued in May, then we would need evidence for:
May 2021
October 2021
March 2022
August 2022
January 2023
June 2023
November 2023
Does that look about right?
Also, my FLR visa expires 23 Dec 2023 so could we apply in November 2023?
Thank you again!
When you can apply is based on when you reach 5 years from entry into the UK on a spouse visa (or 5 years from when you got your first FLR(M) if you did fiance>FLR(M)>FLR(M)>ILR). This date should be stamped on your entry vignette in the US passport you held at the time you came to the UK. You can apply from 28 days before you reach 5 years from entry on the spouse visa. You
must apply before the expiry of your current visa.
For example, if you entered the UK on a spouse visa on 29 September, 2018, the earliest you
can apply for ILR is 28 days before 29 September, 2023... this would be 1 September, 2023. Meanwhile, you
must apply before 23 December, 2023.
I'll defer to others for the
spacing of correspondence evidence, but
personally, if it was my application, I wouldn't bother with May 2021, because you'd only just received your current visa then, so you have already shown that you were living together at that time. I'd probably not go all the way to the date of new application, either, because all the other things in your application will show that you're together now. Maybe 4 month spacing, starting from September 2021. So that would be September 2021, January 2022, May 2022, September 2022, January 2023, May 2023. But I don't know exactly what the application asks for (it either says "since previous visa granted" or "for previous 2 years", and I was never sure how to interpret it).