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Topic: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets  (Read 6377 times)

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2005, 05:04:02 PM »
Yes! I looked on tupperware's website last night and there is no tupperware distribution in the uk at the mo but they did have the thing on their site:


Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2005, 05:06:36 PM »
Oohh yeah I have one of those and love it. It's great for making salad dressings. :)

Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2005, 05:34:36 PM »
Oh wow, and only about £5 with the exchange rate. Tempted to order one and send it to my mom's for her to send to me.... Hmmmmmmmmmm.

And Dr. Steve, I'm definitely gonna start a one-knife-at-a-time system as soon as I'm out of school and properly working again!!!

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2005, 03:55:22 AM »
For you Wusthof and Henkel knife fans, pick some up if you make a trip to Germany.  They are made there and cheaper than the UK or the US.

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2005, 05:23:02 AM »
Mart and I both love kitchen stuff.

He gave me a red kitchen aid for christmas a couple of years ago - a complete surprise and invaluable in the kitchen.

We also have a very expensive large scale iron skillet with long steel handle we got from selfridges. Its very well seasoned and makes the BEST dijon pepper steaks. We use it for almost everything. Cooks bacon and sausages to perfection. I would never do without a non-enamled iron skillet.

My stock pot! Cooks loads of pasta, soup and chilli in one go!

Our very well seasoned carbon steel Wok. A bargain from Selfridges at £10! We spent 2 and a half years seasoning it to perfection - I loath to wash it but its been on an international sea shipment since October. Its got a wooden handle and a perfectly curved bottom. Unfortunatly we cant use it here on mom's electric flat round things. Only gas for this wok.

Our enamled aluminum roasting pan with lid from Target. $15!! Makes a fab succulent and chrispy roast chicken.

And last but not least our Shun 6" Santoku knife. Far far better than Wüsthof and Henckels - Kershaw produces some of the sharpest knives on the market. I just graced the invoice along the blade and it sliced right through. No pressure. Cuts everything like butter. The Santoku shape is perfect for all sorts of cutting and chopping from slicing tomatos perfectly to quick vegetable chopping to splitting bone. The knife is perfectly balanced, the handle made of carved wood in a D shape to prevent slipping. The knife as a whole is increadably beautiful - a piece of art work. Worth every penny. Truly an extension of a chef's arm.

Im thinking I might eventually get an Ebelskiever (aka ableskiever) pan soon tho. Mom just got one and its great. Ebelskievers are "apple dumplings" (in Danish).

Also on the to be purchased list is a mercury filled handle icecream scoop. Our friends have one and were kind to demonstrate when we went to dinner at their place. It heats the scoop end with the body heat of your hand gripping the handle. They had me hold the handle and put an ice cube in the scoop. We watched it melt right before our eyes - it was all very quick. We've been looking all over for one but cant find any.
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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2005, 09:04:52 AM »
Well this isnt a favorite gadget of mine. My brother bought me a sushi roller machine thingy. It came with a really good knife so I use the knife and the sushi thing is stuffed in the back of the cabinet. Doubt Ill ever use it.

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2005, 09:39:27 AM »
Well this isnt a favorite gadget of mine. My brother bought me a sushi roller machine thingy. It came with a really good knife so I use the knife and the sushi thing is stuffed in the back of the cabinet. Doubt Ill ever use it.

Perhaps we should start another thread  'Most useless kitchen gadget that is cluttering up one of my cupboards'  ;D. I'll nominate a 'mini ring doughnut tin' for making doughnuts in the oven, that my son persuaded me to buy from Lakeland (he's had a Lakeland catalogue fetish since he was about 10!). He made doughnuts about 3 times four years ago and then lost all interest.
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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2005, 09:48:34 AM »
I love my garlic press!  Everything I have I brought over with me from the US!  I was registered at Crate and Barrel and this Garlic Press is so sturdy I love it!  Liz, I have that Tupperware shaker, I love it!  I actually had a tupperware party about 5 years ago when I lived in Boston, a friend of mine was selling it.  I got so much free stuff it was amazing!  That shaker rocks too!  

OK, about the dishwashers, I want one, BAD!!!!!  How hard is it to install one into a home that does not have one now?  anyone know?  We are going to be getting Rich's bonus soon and I am thinking of getting the whole kitchen done. (Note I am thinking, I'm sure Rich is thinking otherwise ;))  It's just everyone seems to charge an arm and a leg here and I wanted a better idea of how much it should cost.

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2005, 09:50:13 AM »
my good friend got me a sushi making kit and book for our wedding...

the thing is, sushi is such a good date night type of thing...i don't feel comfortable making it at home!!!

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2005, 09:52:52 AM »
my wustof knives are the grand Prix, not the II that has come out this year, so i'm trying to finish my set with the discontinued ones i'm seeing everywhere.  A good knife at a discount!  Nice.  ;)

Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2005, 09:55:01 AM »
hmmm, Knives are Richards thing!  Amy, where does one find these?  His Birthday is coming up!!!!  Do I need to come to London?

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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2005, 09:56:07 AM »
Does anyone happen to know if they sell the Henckel/ Wustoff knife sets in the UK Costcos?

I saw a set (can't remember which brand, but it was one of the two) when I was home in CA; but mom and I decided it was too much of a hassle just then to buy and figure out how to ship it or stuff it in a suitcase.

Modified to say:  Yep.  Just called, and they sell a 10 pc. set of Henckel knives for £140.98 (incl. VAT)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2005, 11:38:20 AM by ElizabethK »
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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2005, 10:13:41 AM »
You just need to come to London, Stacey.
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Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2005, 10:16:04 AM »
Right!  I need to come and make a weekend of it with you ladies!!!  Now just need to think when!!!!

Then we can go knife shopping!

Re: Fave kitchen implements/gadgets
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2005, 10:40:40 AM »
Favourite implement would be the big chef's knife, which I use for everything except bread and tomatoes. I'm definitely at one with that knife. It gives that onion-dicin' notion of competence, utterly unlike the feeling I get when I try to carve a cooked animal. I inherited a nightmare carving gene from my father, and no knife will fix that.

Favourite gadget...the kitchen has no room for gadgets, it barely has room for a cook. The one thing that has honestly improved my quality of life in the last few months has been the Schwartz "twiste and taste" disposable pepper mill, which makes me feel like I've got something on the spice rack that has super-powers.

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