Hi everyone,
I'm new here. Tried to post a happy little hello message on the "welcome wagon" forum section but it didn't appear to have worked - with any luck I'll have more success here. In any case, please forgive me if these are questions that have been asked and answered a thousand times before - just point me towards the thread and I'll happily go there.
Now, about me. I'm currently in the U.S. military. Since it's becoming increasingly obvious that the Navy isn't really willing to post me to the UK, I'm planning on getting out - that's about a year from now. My boyfriend is British and, despite the hopeless romance sound of the story, we have every intention of somehow making this work and being together. But, I had no clue it would be this difficult! I understand my basic options for visas, but I'm not sure if the one for, oh, what is it, "Talented Immigrants With Lots of Credentials" would really work for me. I have a ton of experience in the military as an Arabic linguist, but no actual university degrees to back me up - just military stuff. Any chance that I would still qualify?
Secondly, am I jumping the gun here by trying to get this taken care of a full year in advance of the time I can actually move? My dilemma is that the military is wanting me to make a decision about re-enlisting (or not) NOW, so I really need to know my options as a civilian working in the UK before I tell the Navy to leave me alone.
Does anyone have a similar experience? Any advice? Pointers about the timeframe in which I should be doing all of this? Again, I'm so sorry if these questions have already been answered. I look forward (desparately!) to hearing from you all.
Thank you,