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Topic: Messed up now facing Quarantine is it really that bad???  (Read 3397 times)

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Re: Messed up now facing Quarantine is it really that bad???
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2006, 01:07:42 PM »
If your titre test came back OK... that seems like the most important bit.

Can't your vet fix the paperwork?  Just, like... write the shot in?  I don't know about your paperwork, but ours was pretty informal.  I had to fill in most of it, as our vet couldn't read or write English.

I would not advise this at all. First of all, the steps Kristen outline are the correct procedure. ANd we were victim to the same misunderstanding. HAd chip, had blood draw, acceptable titre result BUT that is not acceptable for immigration under PETS. So we had to revaccinate, redraw the blood, and it set us back months as well.

With all due respect, what the above poster is suggesting is illegal and I personally would not want to risk the consequences to my pet if DEFRA ever found out what happened. Everyone is different and has to do what their conscience guides them to do. Kristen - I am really thrilled for you that your mom was willing and able to take your baby - you have no idea what you have spared yourself and him, but I do and I am absolutely thrilled for you.
Stop waiting. Start doing.

Re: Messed up now facing Quarantine is it really that bad???
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2006, 05:19:48 PM »
I wouldn't ever fix the paperwork either (not that the thought didn't cross my mind).

I hate every min of this, of course my Mom is pretty scared about messing things up so I am looking for a courier service to maybe help her out.  I am calling like 4 or 5 people to help her out, get her to the right departments.  The good thing is the USDA vet lives in my town (but not my Moms and to her it is a big city HA HA) so my co-worker has agreed to meet her at a neutral location and take her into the big bad city and get all the paperwork done when it is time.

The hardest thing is going to me leaving him here, kissing him goodbye and knowing that I am not going to be able to see him for 6 months, but I can't be selfish and put him in a cold dark kennel just so I can see him once a week it just isn't fair.

From my experience I can only offer some advice, CHECK CHECK CHECK and RE-CHECK everything it's in the small print (or the large print in my case, stupid vet) that the rules really apply!

Thanks again Everyone

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Re: Messed up now facing Quarantine is it really that bad???
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2006, 02:58:29 AM »
Thanks Carrie and Paula for correcting me. I apologize for that everyone. I know when I started the process I didn't realize when I was at the vet's office that the vaccination and the blood draw were not going to be done on the same day. I thought I had the 6 month thing all worked out! Then I was set back a month when the blood draw had to be put off for a full month, pushing everything back and forcing my cats to live with grandma and grandpa for a little while!  :P 

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Re: Messed up now facing Quarantine is it really that bad???
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2006, 04:22:33 PM »
NO prob, OMW. It's so easy to mess this up because it can be quite confusing.

My cats are stateside riding out the waiting period. I have already decided that if, after arriving, something is messed up and DEFRA wants to quarantine, I will have my older cat euthanised. She's only six but would definitely not survive quarantine. She is stateside now with my brother (whom she adores) and all she does is sit in the window waiting for me to come and get her. My other cat would survive quarantine, she would not.

It seems so unfair that we have to go through so much falderal when other nations don't but there it is....
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Re: Messed up now facing Quarantine is it really that bad???
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2006, 11:08:57 PM »
zeusy - sorry you are having so much trouble, but I totally understand the separation anxiety you will feel.  I've had to make the very difficult decision to not bring my dog when I move.  It saddens me every day especially since bf loves him too.  He's almost 9 and doesn't adjust to change too well.  When I moved a few years ago he was physically ill for 4 months.  He would never survive the flight over.  Luckily he is very fond of my mom and she loves him too.  He's used to staying with her since I travel quite a bit for work.  Thankfully your mom has agreed...Sounds like you are getting everything in order for her and before you know it, he'll be joining you!
Good luck!

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