Dang, this play wasn't a good choice for us. Too much static talking, not enough action... and the accent of the psychiatrist character didn't help. My husband couldn't follow much of it, and fell asleep. (Reminder; his English is intermediate.)
I thought it was good! The horses especially. I thought they looked silly at first, but I believed in them totally by the end. The lighting was amazing. There were tons of very funny parts. The ending was done a bit too quickly, I think... there could have been more time spent on showing how the psychiatrist took on the gods/psychosis of the boy. I've not seen the original script, though.
Daniel was fine. Not great, in my opinion. He sounded just like he always does, when he's supposed to be an uneducated raw 'pure' male. He certainly drew in the full house of mostly young girls, though! The nude scene gave them all a kind of... bonus viewing experience... I've often wondered how guys control that when they model nude, etc...
Anyways, if your SO can understand English well, I'd recommend seeing it.