I KNOW! I was completely in shock. I wasted no time in berating him for his lack of knowledge.
He lives in Borough, and had no idea what side of the river it was on! Turns out that all he had learned to do was get one the tube to go to school, and then back to his house. Granted the first two years of our course are based on spending around 60 hours a week at the school, there's still plenty of time to go explore!
As I worked with him throughout the week, it became clear that there were many things culturally that he had no picked up on either. I can't remember specifics, but you know, just those little things that you pick up after living here for TWO years. Like he didn't know what qualified as "United Kingdom", and also didn't know that British peeps put milk in their tea. I mean, come on.
Honestly, its because he's moved here with no plans to stay, and no interest in the culture. He wakes up, goes to school, goes to the pub, and then goes back to Borough (wherever it may be!) lol!