I spent two years travelling in Europe before meeting DH.
At the tail end of my trip, my grandpa wasn't doing well. We knew I was cutting it close with my return flight (bought six months earlier) but I kept in close touch with my dad and got regular updates.
I landing in the US, was back home for less than 24 hours and on the 5-hour drive down to see him in the hospital we got a call from my grandma saying he'd passed.
In a way, that was best - I never saw him in the hospital or suffering (besides going a bit crazy in his old age, but never physically in pain).
He was a great laugh and our whole family has a good sense of humour so his funeral was basically stand-up comedy night with a sombre tone.
After the service, I joked my dad had a cry gun and with each memory he mentioned, he'd take a shot and get one family member to cry. We had two understudies for each family member who was going to say something in case they were too welled up to get it out.
There was definitely more laughter or cry-laughter than actual sad crying that day and I'm sure that's what he would have wanted.