Hi all,
I've started to think about my ticket to Greece next summer and it's raised a couple of questions.
A bit of background, we are planning on marrying next summer and residing in Athens afterwards. There is no Greek equivalent of a fiances visa. I am able to marry w/ just my passport and required documents and obtain a 5 year residence permit once we are married. Seems too easy, huh?
I've searched high and low and contacted anyone/everyone trying to make it more difficult for myself and the only requirement is that we marry within 90 days of me entering the country.
1) Am I able to purchase a RT ticket w/ a return date and just.... not show up for my flight? Or call and say "I'm not going to be returning..."? Will red flags start flying off my name on some list?
2) Am I able to purchase an international one-way ticket? I guess that sounds silly, but will they look at me funny when I am entering Greece? OR in the UK?
I ask about the UK because in Sept. I made a trip to Athens w/ a rather long layover at Heathrow - 12 hours long. I had to get my bag, change terminals, check-in w/ different airlines, etc. Going through the passport guy I got the 3rd degree. Typical rundown of the same question asked 43 different ways, which I expected to some degree but continued on even after I mentioned I was in transit. He wanted to know why I was going to Greece, where I was going in Greece, who I was staying with, where did I meet him, when was I returning ...etc. I was of course polite and answered all his questions and I realize that I could of easily just walked out of the airport in London and not got on the next plane -- but started to get a little nervous when I was answering them twice. (I really just wanted to tell him all I wanted was to use the restroom and to see if I can get an earlier flight *out* of the UK!) I'm afraid of what would have happened if I had told him 'Oh, no return ticket!'
On the other hand, entering Greece has so far, been a breeze. Three trips and all three times I'm not even sure if they said 'hello'. Maybe not the most polite, but really - I'm ok with that. I'd rather just get thru! One was a flight directly from the states so I expected more questions but I think all I got was "What's your reason for visiting Greece?" I answered "Holiday" ....stamp, and off I went.
I realize that Greece and the UK are not the same countries, but really I am just wondering what others have experienced in general. A RT ticket could end up being cheaper than a one-way but I don't want to sound off bells and whistles if I forfeit the return. But than again, if I can find a one-way at a good price I would like to take it, since flying RT that time of year to anywhere is not exactly cheap!
Thanks for listening