I know normally on applications, they want to see that you have made the income requirement for the previous 12 months. I will be applying for ILR in January 2020. I am aiming to ignore any career goals I have and just get any job that I know I can tolerate for the next two years. However, I am concerned about being below the income requirement for a time before that 12 months if I can't find anything before I leave this company. I would hope that I would have something in place by Nov/Dec, but I cannot help but be concerned. Does anyone know how a small gap prior to that 12 months may affect my future ILR? Also, how might a short stint for my husband with Universal Credit affect it?
Only some of the financial requirement categories require income over the last 12 months... others only require the last 6 months of income.
So, if you will be using employment income to meet the requirements, the only time period that will matter is either:
- the 6 months prior to Jan 2020
- the 12 months prior to Jan 2020
Anything earned before either the last 6 or 12 months will not be considered at all.
So, as a reminder of the financial categories:
Cat A:
- you have been with your current employer(s) for at least 6 months and have been earning a combined income of at least £18,600 for the entire 6 months
- you only provide the last 6 months of financial evidence
Cat B:
- you haven't been with your current employer(s) for 6 months yet and/or haven't been earning £18,600 for 6 months yet and/or your monthly income is variable
- you have earned a combined income of £18,600 or more in the last 12 months
- you provide the last 12 months of financial evidence