What a great thread guys. I'm in similar situation, except worse--ten years on and I finally saved up enough to buy a house and get my stuff moved over. How can they hold us to account to a law they passed AFTER we moved? I came over in 2010 and the law was passed in 2013? I've explained my reasons for delay (renting a furnished flat due to non-permanent contract so no room for goods; once permanent, couldn't afford to buy due to London prices; finally saved up the down payment to house the goods; now they tell me they changed the law and I can't get a waiver from it).
Needless to say, it's upsetting, but you've all identified little tips. Perhaps it's the complaints route? Or should I take my chances on incurring duty taxes? And what is CIF? Sorry guys if this is mentioned elsewhere, but I'm loosing the will to live here.
Appreciate any help as always, this forum always comes through.