I'll be traveling back to the US in a few weeks and British Airways is telling me I need a proof of positive test and a letter from a healthcare provider to be exempt from testing. That's no problem with the NHS pass for myself and my husband, but it doesn't cover my daughter who is only four. She is terrified of these tests and by all rights should be exempt from testing, as we're within the 90 days before travel, but 119 and GP will not provide any letter. What have others done? From what I can see, this isn't a BA rule but rather a US rule and they aren't considering that not everyone can get a covid pass or letter from GP. I've called BA and they were absolutely no help either! As above, have called 119 and GP too as well as our local covid health line. No one can provide any answers.
Please help! I can't be the only one traveling with a child.