Aside from my profound desires to move to England to work and live, Here's more information about me.
3 bachelor business degrees
1 business master's degree (completion may 2005 with a comencement trip to europe for 3 weeks)
Spanish language competency.
Significant work experience (subjective)
My ideas:
#1: Highly Skilled Migrant Programme: I did a pre-approval test and scored a 55 of 65. I am confident I will qualify. The test was very primative, and it didn't account for the level and type of work experiences I have had.
#2: Get a second master's degree. Attend a London business school. The degree takes 1 year. My question about this is; is there a greater chance I would become employed simply by doing this over idea #1 or #4 simply because I would graduate from an English university (and have an internship/apprenticeship) ?
#3: Pound the internet job sites handing my resume out like a sample day at a supermarket and hope someone desires to hire and provide a work permit.
#4: Blue Card: Work diligently to get a more permenant job.
#5: Keep Listening to the Clash's song London Calling which coincidently is playing right now on my Yahoo LaunchCast, which plays random music. (Is that a sign!?!?!)