OK Everybody, here's my first question for the group:
I take several prescriptions all the time...Claritin and blood pressure medicines. What happens when I move to Oxford? Should my GP here in Houston write new prescriptions for me to take to the new GP in Oxford so that he can rewrite them? Can I use my new prescriptions from Houston at a dispensing chemist in Oxford? Is it better that I arrange to bring a big supply of the meds with me and then seek my Houston GP's help for refills?
Surely some of you have gone through this, and I can't seem to find any information about "pre-existing conditions" and prescriptions for them in anything I've read on the internet...so far, anyway. I should add that I'll be working for a UK organization and will be paying UK taxes and will be covered also by their private health insurance.
Houston, TX (Oxford in November/December)