So we just hit the 6-month mark, and are ready to book the tickets for our cat's trip to London. The cat is in Kansas City, so there's no approved route from there, and I anticipate having to connect in Chicago or Houston or somewhere.
1) Does anyone have advice on getting to domestic flights to cities with approved DEFRA routes? I'd like to avoid driving, but mainly because I'd like to pick up the cat over a weekend.
2) What type of tickets are needed? Do I book a return from the UK - Chicago? Are there strange things that the airline will need to know? I'm seeing these $2K numbers, and quite honestly - getting a little spooked.
3) Is the best way to go about this just calling the airlines and explain the situation? Is there any specific group/department that I need to talk with? Cargo? Reservations?
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in Advance!