Glad everyone has given you lots of support. I hope you can use my two pence:
I was in a LDR with my husband for 7.5 years before I moved here!!! We met when we were 17 and since he lived here in the UK it was soooo tough. We've had so many ups and downs, so many stupid fights because of the distance, heartache from missing one another and lonliness. I know exactly how you feel! You miss seeing them, smelling them, snuggling, having a laugh, all the good things, and it hurts that you can't have that. I thought we would never ever be together so much during this time, and every time we tried to part ways we always came back to each other. It was so hard, and I even tried to convince myself that I didn't love him at one point to try to move on
Didn't work.
But even though it was so hard and I spent most of that 7 and a half years apart from him the times we did spent together were amazing! We have made so many memories that we love to look back on and still have a laugh about today. I always knew in my heart I wanted to be with him and vice versa, just getting there was hard. But like all things once you get the hard part done you get to enjoy everything you've worked for.
If you both know you want to be together, are willing to work for it, sacrifice things, and still be there for each other then it will work out. Getting to move here, be with him every day, go to bed every night, share a home, all these things I thought I would never get to do, but I now live it and am so glad that we've both endured!! If you would've told me exactly a year ago that I would be here with him, doing what I am I wouldn't have believed you at all.
Life moves so fast and can change so quickly. I hope you get to be with your loved one soon. Lots of hugs and support, and if you need to chat pm me any time.