It's that time again of looking at visa renewal. I just looked at my BRP for my current spousal visa expires on 21 April 2021.
Amazingly, we are also expecting our first child!
Unfortunately, our timing is really not ideal as our baby is supposed to arrive on/around 19 April 2021.
So essentially,
my baby and my visa application have almost the same due date! I've been hoarding mail for years now, so I plan to have all the documents that I can have ready to go as soon as possible. But I also know that many can't be compiled until the month I submit (very pregnant!)
And what about those appointments I'm supposed to go to??
So, I have just a few questions/concerns (apologies for asking about every possible scenario...):
1) Am I right in thinking I can apply for my visa earlier than 21 April, but only 28 days earlier? (I was previously on a fiance visa). So that means 25 March is the earliest I can apply and 21 April is the latest?
2) Assuming I can complete my visa before baby arrives . . . Does the application require information or documentation on dependent children? not-yet-born dependent children? We would meet the threshold for finances either way, but I don't know what to put down since (at this point) the baby is not born.
3) Any advise on what to do if the baby arrives
before I submit my application? For example, say baby arrives on 24 March, do I then need to include information on my newborn baby in the application? (That sounds super stressful having just given birth and trying to get paperwork done!! Maybe I need to start praying this baby is late!)
4) Any advise on what to do if baby arrives after I submit my application online but before I get my documents sent? Other than the real pain of trying to remember (or even being able) to go a biometrics appointment having just given birth . . .
5) What happens if I am unwell in the last weeks of pregnancy and cannot go to appointments required of me? Can I do any of that early?
It's hard to plan a visa application around a baby's due date!