Yep, I know, thanks! We left in Fall of 2020, and were locked down most of that year, so I think it was probably 2019 when we bought it. I know I could have gotten the refund back, but was holding onto it in case... which is highly unlikely now. But, worst case, it was a souvenir.
If memory serves we got some nice "two-for-one" entrance fees and discounts on food. But that might have been with the train ticket - it's been too long to remember now. I think there was about 2 pounds left on it, so if they've added 5 more, at least she can take a bus ride. She'll be staying with a friend from school who is from the general London area, so I'm sure they'll find a use for it. In any event, she was thrilled to have it - made her upcoming trip seem more real.
She's never been to the UK before. (I just hope there's no transport strikes on when she's there.)