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Topic: Traveling with the kids..any tips??  (Read 1887 times)

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Traveling with the kids..any tips??
« on: June 13, 2003, 07:59:00 PM »
Hello  :)

  Well the Girls & I are going to be going to the UK this summer for a visit with Mark , I'm kind of worried about what they'll think me coming alone with 2 kids ... :-/ I know they had lots of questions when it was just me ..I'm just not sure what to be ready for when we get there ..I did say I was there to see my boyfriend the first time I went ( I know now that I shouldn't have  :() but I did so if anyone can just give me the do's & don't about going into the UK with kids I would really be thankfull..I do have a papper signed by there father saying that I do have full & soul custody of the girls and that I do not need his permission as far as he concerned, this was signed at a Notary's office well that be enough ?? see I just don't know for sure what it is a may or may not need & I don't want to do something wrong that will hurt our chances of moving there someday  [smiley=uneasy.gif] ..well thanks for listening  :)

  Wild  [smiley=daisy.gif]
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Re: Traveling with the kids..any tips??
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2003, 11:08:26 PM »
Hi Wild, while I've not traveled with any kids (don't have any) perhaps my opinion won't count for much.  But here goes.... why do you have to say anything at all about the kids.  I mean when I was asked on each visit why I was there business or pleasure - I always said vacation.  They never asked anything else.  I once even had to say I didn't have the address of the place I was staying as my fiance was booking it.  They didn't even raise an eyebrow about that.  I just traveled on my passport - didn't apply for a visa just for a 2 week visit.  

Does that help?  I hope so.  Take care.  I hope you enjoy your vacation.

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Re: Traveling with the kids..any tips??
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2003, 01:12:53 AM »
This was a couple of years ago but I brought my son over (US to UK) alone.  I was being a good daughter-in-law and felt that his grandparents would like to spend time with their grandchild.  Anyway, I never had any problems going through immigration.  They asked me why I was coming and simply said visiting family and that was it.  I don't know if it is a bit harder after 9/11 or over the couple of years since it has been but I would have to say that as long as you all have valid passports and are "visiting friends" their shouldn't be any problem.


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Re: Traveling with the kids..any tips??
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2003, 04:00:28 AM »
I do have a papper signed by there father saying that I do have full & soul custody of the girls and that I do not need his permission as far as he concerned, this was signed at a Notary's office well that be enough ??

Coming in to the UK for simply a visit, I shouldn't think that you would need this document from your children's father.  As others have said, if immigration asks you why you are here, just say it's for a vacation.  They'll most likely smile and nod you through.

I've found that dealing with immigration, the less information you volunteer, the better off you are.

However, I did have a noterised document regarding custody when I applied for my fiance visa.  If I remember correctly, you do have to demonstrate that you have the agreement of the children's father to bring them to the United Kingdom to live permanently.
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Re: Traveling with the kids..any tips??
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2003, 04:42:49 AM »
Thank You all so much for the Info ..I just didn't know if I should have that papper so I got it just incase and as for the Immigration they asked for a lot the first time I went there I just didn't know if they would look me up or not and if so if they would wonder why I'm now there with the kids ( know what I mean ) this is all so very new to me and I just don't want to make them mad or make them wonder about me ...

but again thanks for your help , I think sometimes I just worry to much  :P..but win lose or draw we're going so what will be will be

      Wild [smiley=daisy.gif]
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Re: Traveling with the kids..any tips??
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2003, 06:12:07 PM »
Awww Wild, I'm a worrier too.  I'd rather overprepare for something than worry that I'll forget that one piece of information they might ask for.  I'm glad we could offer some help.  Try not to worry too much they are people too and I'm sure they'd understand your concerns.  I bet they've heard them before.  Have a wonderful trip.

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