The whole discussion of Haggis yesterday got me thinking... what foods can you just not deal with? Now I don't want people fighting over why or why not. I was just wondering what those foods you consider (to use ExpatinScotlands word...) BOAK!
I personally like most foods or can tolerate them depending on how they are cooked. I will also eat most things if I am in public or at someones house out of politeness... I just choose not to make them in my house.
I do not like Marmite (except Twiglets/Walkers Crisps odd but true)
Orange cheese cheese whiz, movie theater cheese on nachos, and now more more I can't eat Velvetta. It's just so gross when it congeals.... and it's just not's like eating a stick of pseudo lard.
Okra when it is reaaaaaally slimey.
Frozen battered fish where the fish has turned to mush and formed some odd paste substance.
Canned meat products or by products....
Canned veg ...except corn and beans.
Catfish that tastes of mud...
well that's my list for now...