I wear beach type stuff (shorts, sundresses, etc.) all summer here, so it really is a myth that the UK is such a cold place. If, however, you're living way up north or somewhere you won't need shorts, I'd say still bring them! You're going to want holidays, aren't you?? And warm spots like Spain are just a hop, skip and a jump away!
Hm... Maybe it depends on where you're coming from, too?
I'm from LA, so it's not "hot" until it's 105*.
Though, I understand it's pretty humid in the UK (like New England and the Great Lakes), and so it takes less furnace power to feel ready to keel over. OTOH, I understand that the UK (at least South Wales, where I'll be living) doesn't get nearly as cold as NE or the GL, so maybe it's harder to feel "balmy" at 70*?
And then there's just the individual. I'm one of those people who gets chilled from pretty much any moving air over my skin, whereas I know other people who completely overheat the minute the air circulation slows down.
Needless to say, if I can't layer it (like a T-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt, or pants/tights/legwarmers with a skirt), I'm leaving it back in Cali.
Great thread, btw. 2 weeks to go for me. Glad to know I'm on the right track!