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Topic: Local Library Online Booksale  (Read 2176 times)

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Local Library Online Booksale
« on: April 01, 2005, 10:24:52 PM »
Our local authority have just begun to sell off their unwanted books  online now for bargain prices- you can sign up for e-mail updates according to your preferences.

I am not sure if this has been rolled out nationally yet- but it usually happens when one of them  has some success with raising funds this way and I thought this might be of interest to any other voracious readers out there, looking to save money.  cheap books = heaven :)

The list I just received from mine is pretty diverse, as an example;

Title: My Name is Michael Caine
Author: Billson, Anne Price: £1.00
Description: Muller 1991 HBK. With photographs from the Kobal Collection

Title: Rosa Luxemburg
Author: Nettl, J. P Price: £5.00
Description: 2 Vols. OUP 1966 HBK. Rosa was one of the most important figures in the development of Marxism.

Title: Jack The Ripper in Fact and Fiction
Author: Odell, Robin Price: £7.00
Description: Harrap 1965 HBK

Title: Edward 1
Author: Prestwich, Michael Price: £1.00
Description: Yale University Press 1997 PBK

Title: Holstein Papers
Author: Von Holstein, Friedrich Price: £15.00
Description: 4 vols. of the memoirs, diaries and correspondence of Friedrich Von Holstein. CUP 1955 HBK

Title: Millennium of Family Change
Author: Seccombe, Wally Price: £1.00
Description: Verso 1992 HBK

Title: Westminster Hospital: Two Centuries of Voluntary Service 1719-1948
Author: Langdon-Davies, John Price: £1.00
Description: John Murray 1952. Illustrated (B/W & Colour)

Title: Some Early and Later Houses of Pity
Author: Hobson, John Morrison Price: £5.00
Description: Routledge 1926 HBK. Illustrated

Title: Red Cross Story
Author: Wood, Emily Price: £1.00
Description: Dorling Kindersley/Red Cross 1995. HBK. Illustrated

Title: His Majesty the King 1910-1935
Author: Associated Newspapers Price: £5.00
Description: His 25 year reign in sepia pictures. Associated Newspapers c1935 HBK

Title: Hardy
Author: Seymour-Smith, Martin Price: £2.00
Description: Bloomsbury 1994 HBK. Illustrated. Biography of Thomas Hardy

Title: Ernst Lubitsch: Laughter in Paradise
Author: Eyman, Scott Price: £1.00
Description: Simon & Schuster 1993. HBK.

Title: Ernest Maltravers
Author: Lytton, Lord Price: £1.50
Description: G. J. Howell & Co. c1911. HBK. Original binding. Illustrated.

Title: Carpathian Castle
Author: Verne, Jules Price: £3.00
Description: Arco 1963. HBK

Title: Secret of the Island
Author: Verne, Jules Price: £2.00
Description: Dent Date? HBK. Everyman's Library. Illustrated

Title: Claim on Forty Mile Creek
Author: Verne, Jules Price: £3.00
Description: Arco 1962. HBK

Title: School Health Service
Author: Leff, S & Leff, V Price: £1.00
Description: H. K. Lewis & Co. 1959. HBK

Title: One Step in the Clouds: an Omnibus of Mountaineering Novels and Short Stories
Author: Salkeld, A & Smith, R (Compilers) Price: £1.50
Description: Diadem Books 1990. HBK. 1056 pages

Title: Better Back Book
Author: Bean, Constance A Price: £0.75
Description: Anaya Publishers 1989. PBK. Some diagrams

Title: Country Child: an Illustrated Reminiscence
Author: Dudgeon, Piers (Editor) Price: £1.50
Description: Headline 1992. HBK. Illustrated anthology of rural childhood.

Title: Aromatherapy for Babies and Children
Author: Price, Shirley & Parr, Penny Price Price: £0.50
Description: Thorsons 1996. PBK. Some B/W photographs

Title: Flings Over Fences: The Ups and Downs of Gay Kindersley
Author: Rhoderick-Jones, Robin Price: £0.50
Description: Quiller Press 1994. HBK. B/W photographs

Title: Judi Dench: With a Crack in Her Voice
Author: Miller, John Price: £0.75
Description: Orion 1999. PBK. B/W photographs

Title: Darwin
Author: Desmond, Adrian & Moore, James Price: £2.00
Description: Michael Joseph 1991. HBK. Illustrated

Title: Racing World of Damon Runyon
Author: Runyon, Damon Price: £0.50
Description: Constable 1999. HBK. Selection of short stories

Title: Frost Dancers: a Story of Hares
Author: Kilworth, Garry Price: £0.50
Description: HarperCollins 1992. HBK

Title: Official P.F.A. Footballers Heroes
Author: Lynch, Tony Price: £0.75
Description: Stanley Paul 1995. HBK. Illustrated

Title: Gracie Fields: the Authorized Biography
Author: Bret, David Price: £1.00
Description: Robson 1995. HBK. B/W Photographs

Title: Drucker: The Man Who Invented the Corporate Society
Author: Tarrant, John J Price: £0.75
Description: Barrie & Jenkins 1976. HBK

Title: So I Shall Tell You a Story: Encounters With Beatrix Potter
Author: Taylor, Judy (Compiler) Price: £1.50
Description: Frederick Warne 1993. HBK. Illustrated
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Re: Local Library Online Booksale
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 05:05:25 PM »
Our local authority have just begun to sell off their unwanted books  online now for bargain prices- you can sign up for e-mail updates according to your preferences.

I am not sure if this has been rolled out nationally yet- but it usually happens when one of them  has some success with raising funds this way and I thought this might be of interest to any other voracious readers out there, looking to save money.  cheap books = heaven :)

I just saw this post, Dawn, and it sounds awesome! But as far as I know, my local library isn't doing this. How did you find out about yours? What local authority's website is running the sale?
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Re: Local Library Online Booksale
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2005, 08:44:08 PM »

It is an awesome idea and I cannot believe only mine is forward thinking enough to do so (break the habits of a lifetime and I work for them so feel somewhat qualified to comment ;)

Maybe it's worth contacting your library to ask? Any books that come reasonably priced are an opportunity in my opinion!  The above link will show you how it works.

Let us know if you get any response, the reason these things usually don't take off is because they don't they dont get attract enough publicity.

Born to shop..............forced to work

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