It's been taken over by FirstGroup, so it's now called First Scotrail, and the Glasgow - Edinburgh line runs right outside my bedroom window! DH and i did the Glasgow- Edinburgh commute for about 3 months (we were working in Edinburgh, living with parents in Glasgow, while we house-hunted for something in-between...) and it was a pure nightmare. I didnt take the train, I drove... The traffic was un-real, but i think things were worse for him, cos he got the train. The biggest problem was unreliability. Trains were always late, and often cancelled... this may now be resolved now that FirstGroup have taken over, though.
He also complained that in Edinburgh, as he got on at Haymarket, the train would already be full (due to the people who got on at Waverley) and he wouldnt get a seat and would have to stand almost all the way to Glasgow. And then there's just the general unpleasantness of being crammed into a metal box with a bunch of strangers, some sneezing and coughing and spreading their lergy around, some talking way too loud on their mobiles, some with their broadsheet papers opened out all the way, some with their Walkmans (walkmen?) blaring hideous noise out the headphones... the usual stuff.
The train does not run all night... the last train from Edinburgh back to Glasgow is at 11.30 (12.30 during Festival time)... another nightmare when you are out with your Edinburgh workmates on a night out and you have to keep an eye on the clock to make sure you can get the last train home!