Thought I'd share this information.
I entered the UK this February on my fiance visa, just long enough to give notice of intent to marry, then returned to the US. I moved to York permanently last week.
A day after I moved in, I received a letter from a health visitor at a medical office in York, saying that she had scheduled an interview with me. It was quite surprising, as I had just moved in, and hadn't made any attempts to see a doctor.
I spoke to the health visitor over the phone, and she told me that when you enter the UK to settle, the Port Authority gives your information to the NHS, which then sets up an interview. Because it is difficult for me to get to her office, she agreed to interview me over the phone. She asked me about my vaccination history, including vaccinations for tuberculosis and hepatitis, whether I had ever been exposed to tuberculosis, how I was feeling at the moment, and exactly where I was from, to see if I was from a high-risk area (New York City, so no).
She was also very adamant that I register with a GP. I told her I was planning to do that anyway. (There's a surgery a few doors down from where I live; I was planning to register there.)
I suppose the government wants to make sure that immigrants aren't bringing communicable diseases into the country.
I thought I'd post this, since I haven't heard of anyone else being contacted by NHS like this. Since I originally entered on my fiance visa in February, the same time as they changed the rules for immigrants giving notice of marriage, I suppose it's just part of a general crackdown.