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Topic: Extending a teperary work vias in the UK  (Read 1318 times)

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Extending a teperary work vias in the UK
« on: May 04, 2005, 07:39:46 PM »
Hello all, I am writing as someone who is currently in serious presuit of immigration from the US to the UK.  In mid next month I will be starting a BUNAC which will afford me a 6 month.  I don't know how many of you are familiar with the BUNAC program or have had much experience with them, but I would like to know if anyone had and advice or tips or resources on how to extend such a visa, or get another visa that will allow me to remain and work in the UK on a more permeant basis.  Thank you very much.

-Sir Sparky

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Re: Extending a teperary work vias in the UK
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 04:40:06 PM »
I also came over on the BUNAC program as my then boyfriend (now husband) is British. After my 6 months was up the only thing that I found that would let you stay without any huge commitment was a fiance visa which was fairly straightforward to get. It only lasts 6 months and you have to fly back to the states to register for it at a consulate and then fly back to Britain which was a bit of a pain. Its kind of nice to get it though because once you recieve it, if you get married, all you then have to apply for is the work permit side as the fiance visa turns into your marriage visa.
Its really difficult to find someone to hire you and provide you with a work permit (which was my original plan) especially if you are young. Unless you are extremely skilled, most employers just think "Why bother" and hire a Brit (which makes sense I guess), so I wouldn't really count on that happening. Although it could be possible to get an internship that would provide you with a bit more time but then the question of earning money comes into play after a while.

Hope that helps!

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Re: Extending a teperary work vias in the UK
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 10:26:59 PM »
Its kind of nice to get it though because once you recieve it, if you get married, all you then have to apply for is the work permit side as the fiance visa turns into your marriage visa.

Actually, that's not technically quite right.  A fiance visa is granted *dependent* on marriage.  You either get married within the six months or you leave the country...there's no "if" about it.

Also, the fiance visa doesn't "turn into" anything.  Once you're married, or after six months, which ever comes first, you have to apply for another visa, called a "Further Leave to Remain" or FLR visa, based on marriage to a Brit.  This is an entirely separate visa, with a separate fee and application process, so it isn't automatic.  It does, however, allow you to work in the country, which is a good thing for most of us.  :)  Also the FLR only lasts 2 years, after which time you get to apply for yet another visa, called the Indefinite Leave to Remain or ILR. 

I just wanted to be very clear about that....the consequences for people misunderstanding things they've heard here and elsewhere has resulted in many a shed tear at the immigration counter!  :)

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Re: Extending a teperary work vias in the UK
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2005, 07:22:30 PM »
You can't extend a BUNAC visa.  If you find someone to willing to sponsor a work permit for you while you are there, they will apply for it for you.  BUNAC is only good for 6 months.  I did BUNAC in 2003 and wanted to stay, but I couldn't find a company to sponor me so I am still stuck in the US.

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