Please speak a bit slower and use smaller words as I am but of one of the many representatives
of the stereotypes of which you speak!!!
However, I am not sure what your post was intended to illustrate, nor the point you wished to make. I am also not sure what part of the world you are from but, having grown up in Kentucky (other than living a few years in Alabama) I can attest that many of the "stereotypes" that are branded upon "southerners" are the results of cultural aspects of life in that region. The beliefs about Southern Culture (some stereotypical) are many times a realistic yet satirical view of the way things really are. Yep we do eat grits and going bare footed is a part of our cultureā¦.like it or not, IT IS!!! This is not to say that ALL Southerners eat grits and some may wear shoes but there is a general understanding among most that not all of the stereotypes are true reflections of southern culture. Some views may be founded from a misunderstanding of Southern culture or an extension of an exaggerated view of reality, but they have merit and are worth exploring.
Ever heard a "You might be a redneck" joke and laughed? It is the irony in the humor and understanding that the joke has a great deal of truth about the culture of the South that makes them so damn funny. It is a part of "our" way of life and a means by which we can not only laugh at, but embrace and celebrate its uniqueness.
Anyone who fails to see some of the humor in the culture of the South also fails to embrace and celebrate it. If you were to look objectively at life in the Southern Part of the US (Excluding Fla....they don't count...ask any true Southerner) you would see that many of the negative stereotypes have merit. The south statistically has been far less progressive in policies that impact women and minorities, have lower then national average educational outcomes, higher illiteracy rates, higher then average poverty levels, (need I go on?).
I fail to see the point in your post but believe you have a great deal to offer this forum in means of your experiences and knowledge. While I am not the most poetic in my words, and am known to make WAY TO MANY grammatical errors, (thank God I was not an English Major) I do however know a little bit about Southern culture. Presently entering my first year in post-graduate research, my graduate and post graduate research emphasis has been policy development and social work interventions in rural communities. Rurality is an area I am well versed in. I dare say there are few exceptions to stereotypes having some merit, and historical factual validity.
I challenge anyone to question their viewpoint or belief about individuals from the rural southern part of the United States. Find out about the history behind the stereotype and embrace the culture. Learn what you can about it. NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS!
If someone were to run into me today they may find me to fit many of the stereotypes associated with "Southern Women"....Jolly Good Time...I embrace my culture and am not ashamed to be who and what I am...bare feet and all!!!