Hi! Thank you so much for your advice. The only bill, I believe, that would be in his name would be a phone bill, so that might come in handy. I've given the folder idea some thought, I figure I might as well go ahead and do that, simply so I know I've got everything together, in one spot, and good to go for whoever handles our case. I've got one more question, if I may. When he gets here, we're going to file for the marriage license asap, since we're getting married only 6 days later. I know in the state of Oregon, there's a three day waiting period. When I was looking through the spouse visa info,e t.c.., I noted that we'd have to fill out a separate form along with the form for the marriage license, because he's a British citizen without a social security number. He'll have his passport, birth certificate, and any id he can bring along. As for the separate form, is this a complicated thing? Do they just give us the form, we go to a notary, get it filled out, and turn it back in, and just wait the three days? I'm a little nervous about it, admittedly. Could anyone give me some info on this? I'm sure it varies from state to state, but I would really appreciate anyone's input. Thank you again!!