I am a US citizen married to a UK citizen.
Previously we were both living and working (and married) in the US. My wife had a Green Card. During this time I just filed as "married filing jointly".
Now we have moved to the UK. As a US citizen I still have to file taxes. As a UK citizen, though, surely my wife doesn't have to file taxes.
But, should I file as "married filing jointly" or "married filing seperately". My wife does have a social security number, has paid taxes (jointly with me) before, and had been granted residency just before we left for the UK.
It doesn't make any difference this year, since she didn't earn anything anyway and all of my income can be excluded. However, I can imagine a situation where our joint income couldn't be completely excluded. In that case does it make more sense to file seperately just for me, or to file jointly and hope that the "married filing jointly" exemptions bring down our taxable income to a reasonable amount? Or would filing seperately just on my own be in some sense _cheating_ since any income that she has just gets thrown in the pot used to support our whole family (2/3 of which are US citizens)?
Any thoughts?