I arrived in the UK on a spouse visa on July 2nd. My US employer is paying me as an employee with full US tax deductions for hopefully the next six months to a year, after which time I may become a contract employee. I believe the UK considers me resident since I intend to remain and will be here thru the greater period of their tax year (July to April). However, won't the US also consider me resident since I lived there for one day more than half a year?
Who should I be paying taxes to now? If I have to pay UK taxes at the same time I am paying US taxes, will it be based on my gross or on my after-deduction amount (health benefits and pension). I also have concerns about when to transfer my money over here, but I'm worried about the tax complexities if I combine my savings with my husbands or being double taxed on interest income or possibly being taxed in the UK on the bulk amount as income. I currently have all my funds separate from my husband's in US bank accounts. Thank heavens for online banking!
And then there is the issue of taxes if I cash in my bonds or stocks (not a significant amount).
Can anyone provide some general insight on this situation and/or advise a good US/UK tax consultant in the Lancashire area? Thank you. The more I read about this, the more confused I become.