Hi jennydee,
I would recommend Henci Goer's "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth" and Sheila Kitzinger's "The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth" for starters.
If you are up for a more anthropological vein, Dorothy Wertz's and Robert Wertz's "Lying In: A History of Childbirth in America" is a fascinating read. Despite its title, a great deal of it actually covers British history as well.
I know two others here have mentioned "What to Expect" and how onerous that one can be. My complaint isn't its overload of info, but rather its misinformation. It makes several sweeping statements throughout, and yet there are no sources referenced
at all. For example, it states at one point, that c-sections are as safe as vaginal births. When I read that, my eyebrows shot up about six inches, because all the body of evidence indictates that c-sections in Westernized, developed nations still present approximately twice the risk of death to a mother than vaginal birth, if the surgery's planned. Unplanned c-sections quadruple the risk.
The whole section on dieting, the so-called "Best-Odds diet" comes out sounding supercilious and condescending. Not to mention so regimented as to be unreasonable in its expectations.
I think the purpose behind "What to Expect" was more about steering the reader to listen to her doctor "like a good little patient" than anything else. Which is why it is so enthusiastically endorsed by doctors and insurance companies alike. (When I was pregnant, my insurance, then Personal Choice PPO of Blue Cross, sent me a free copy.) In neither case, do they normally like a person who desires other than the status quo. All the "scary" info works nicely to keep the person sufficiently off her toes and compliant enough to her doctor out of desire to ensure a healthy baby.
Ironically, I'm not discouraging you to get the book, as its sanctimonious tone can only be truly appreciated once you've got a copy and read it. I would just caution you against forming some opinions based on its lack of endnotes and sources cited.
Is my disgust for this book showing yet?
Anyway, hope this is helpful to you.