The George Foreman Grill sounds like a great idea, would be good for when I am cooking for two as well! I'll have to check into that, thanks for the idea!
My big problem is when I do cook a regular size meal for basically 1-1/2 of us lol we end up wasting a lot of food as there is no way I am eating the same thing for days on end. I do like the idea of things you can make into a new meal, like Belindaloo's chicken. I was thinking, I know my grandma gets the butcher to cut roasts in half for her, so she only makes a small one which would also be a good idea for me.
I love homemade soup, maybe once it gets cold I'll start making more of that and freezing it? Thanks for some ideas everyone! I just get stuck in a rut and eat the same stuff over and over, gets very dull so that's where the cereal for supper comes in!