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Topic: Attorney to process visa  (Read 1188 times)

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Attorney to process visa
« on: August 27, 2005, 06:38:11 PM »

Has anyone used a attorney to help complete the US visa process for a UK spouse to reside in the States?  My DH and I may move to the US from the UK, I do not have ILR, so I believe that I have to file all paperwork through the US service centers. 

Perhaps, by using a immigration attorney, it make sure that the paperwork is completed correctly and so forth.  Any ideas?

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Re: Attorney to process visa
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 08:28:33 PM »

If you have a good look through the various forums (Visa Journey/B.Expats/DIA/Kamya etc most people manage it themselves, although it seems very daunting to begin with.

In a lot of cases, I have read where lawyers don't actually expedite matters and miss filing crucial paperwork etc whilst charging their client several thousand ££/$$ for the privilege, so unless you know of a particularly competent immigration lawyer and your situation is more complex than most, I really would re-think it (of course, the cost might not be an issue for you and if that's the case, then of course go ahead, but generally speaking-it's not as bad as it seems on the face of things.

Once you know which visa to apply for and you have read the appropriate sites, the info is all out there, as well as the forms and plenty of guidance and people going through exactly the same situation.

I have completed the processs twice now, the first time back in the day of the good old style INS  :o (totally not recommended and before the days of the forums) and in May this year we completed our DCF filing successfully and although I often thought - wish I had the money for a lawyer, I felt that no-one would be more anal about those forms than us and it was true apart from some reassurance I had from Marlspo here and Mars Bar at DIA, plus the odd topic at VisaJourney.

Just so you know, for filing a basic DCF application (without any complications) a quote from one of the Embassy recommended lawyers was approx £3-4k on top of the filing fees and associated costs with photos etc.

I would say your very first step would be to start with the stuff that can take a while like Police certificates, in practice they are often turned around in a couple of weeks, but they can take up to 40 days and family vaccinations are all going to be up to date to satisfy the requirements.

I know you do have some additional issues and that might make a difference, I just wanted to try to reassure you a little.  Feel free to PM if you would like or I can help further.

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Re: Attorney to process visa
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2005, 06:02:31 PM »
We consulted a lawyer. We mainly had questions about David's job and some other work related questions, but while we were there we asked him about letting him do the processing for us. He sais he could do it, but we'd basically be paying him hundred of pounds just to read the papaerwork, and he couldn't actually Speed Up the process at all.

Some lawyers will make an appt. after you've filled out all the paperwork just to see if it is all correct, but even still that is several hundred pounds (if not thousands!) and obviously not for everyone.

The paperwork seems daunting to begin with, but it really is manageable, and everyone seems to ask the same questions about it so hopefully you can find answers when they come up! We'll do our best to help you along the way.
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