Ok, I have been surfing this site here and there and I have had a little difficulty finding what I am looking for, so here are my questions:
I have been reading a lot of the "spousal" and "fiance" visa stories. HoweverI haven't really noticed any other kind of visa stories being published... So what would I need (as in requirements, financially and other) to get a Visa without being involved with anyone, related to anyone that lives over in the UK? What process would I need to take? I have many friends over there all willing to allow me to stay with them if I were able to pay rent (hence, why I need a visa). However I am 23 year old high school graduate with no college education. Am I stuck in a rock and a hard place? Or are there some options for me?
Please list ANYTHING that comes to mind no matter how outlandish or silly it may seem. Your thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you guys!!!