So it might be hard to get off the plane with cash in hand, buy a car, get insurance and register it with no bank account or UK credit card?
No problem with buying and registration.
You can charge the full premium or the installments to a U.S. credit card as well if you wish. It's only if you want to set up the direct debit that you would need a U.K. bank account. I think there might even be some brokers who will arrange installments with you paying cash at a local branch every so often, although that's not something I've ever tried.
ANy idea of car insurance costs. I will not be buying a fancy car or an expensive one. We were hoping to spend 3,000-4,000 pounds.
Unfortunately, that's the "How long is a piece of string?" question.
Premiums vary tremendously with model and engine size, location, the number of years you've been driving, your age. etc. Not having a U.K. license is going to push up the price too (as I'm British and have held a U.K. license over 20 years, I can't offer specifics on that one).
Obviously it will also depend upon the type of cover you want. U.K. insurance is generally in three types:
1. "Third party only." Covers you only for liability for damage or injury to others. This is the only cover required by law, everything else is optional.
2. "Third party, fire & theft," commonly abbreviated as TPF&T. As above plus, well, you can guess......
3. "Fully comprehensive." All of the above plus you're covered for damage you cause to your own vehicle and often for other things like cracked windshields etc. Exact details vary though.
As I said though, premiums can vary enormously. I'm on about £180 per year TPF&T, but that's at age 39, U.K. license since '83, no points, low-risk area, full no-claim discount. It's not uncommon to hear horror stories about newly licensed 17-year-olds in the bigger cities being quoted £3000 plus for third-party only on small cars.
If you have somebody with a U.K. license who is willing, it might work out cheaper to have him or her take out the policy with you as a named second driver.