Hi Lizaanne,
For what it's worth, we just sold our house here in the Midwest (three bedroom 1600 sq ft 1/2 acre) With the proceeds, I could buy a decent 2-3 bedroom home nearby , put 20% down, and still have money left over for moving, new furniture, and a new car. My PITI would be about $550-$600/month.
Even if we each made only$8/hr, which is what even temp work pays here, it would be easily manageable.
In her hometown in Essex, buying a 2bed flat or house would require all of our money for 10% down and closing costs. Our payments would be about 820£ + taxes and insurance. The same work that pays $8/hr here pays 5-6£ there.
Health insurance is the big variable. If you have to pay for it here, it can trash your earnings fast.
Our friends here are correct in stating that location makes a huge difference though. If I had to pay $250K to get a decent house here, it would be about even.
I have tried to tie wages to housing prices, usually your major fixed expense. To avoid worrying about the Pound-Dollar difference, price everything with an hour's pay being the unit, i.e. "How many hours would I have to work in the UK at a job I could reasonably expect to get to buy a super widget 2000 vs hours worked in the States to buy the same thing there." There are lots of internet sites to use to compare wages for similar jobs. Likewise for housing prices where you want to live. The exchange rate does not matter if you don't move the money.
Quality of life is a big issue, but I like to keep Maslow's hierarchy in mind. If we can't afford food or shelter, personal fulfillment pretty much falls off the list of priorities.
We often don't like to talk about how much we earn. That makes it difficult to know each other's reference points when speaking of finances and what is expensive or a good salary. For example, when my sister is "broke" she can't afford to gamble much in Vegas. When I am "broke" I have no money to go to Vegas in the first place. I wouldn't even want to waste money on a lottery ticket.
hope this helps. good luck.