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Topic: Should we pick the US or UK?  (Read 1832 times)

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Should we pick the US or UK?
« on: October 20, 2003, 04:13:31 AM »
Hello All,

My wonderful British girl friend and I (a US citizen) are planning to bring our lives together.  Currently she lives in Germany but will be moving back to the UK next February.  We plan to get engaged soon and hopefully set a June wedding.  We've looked over the US and UK immigration web sites, but always wonder which process would take the least amount of time.  We just want to be together as soon as we can.  We know about both countries fiance visas, but we wonder if anyone here has any information on how much time it took for them to be granted a visa for the US or UK.  The US says anywhere from 3 to 6 months, but I'm not so sure if that take longer.

Also, we are interested in knowing reasons of those who moved to the UK and wished they stayed in the US, as well as those who moved to the US and wished they stayed in the UK.  I guess you could say we're looking for real life experience of pros and cons of living in one or the other country.  We'd greatly appreciate any insights or helpful suggestions anyone could give.

Best regards,
« Last Edit: October 20, 2003, 04:14:44 AM by Design_Guy »

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Re: Should we pick the US or UK?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 04:57:40 AM »
I just wanted to say a big Hello and welcome to the site  :D

You'll find loads of wonderful people here who will be able to help you in so many way , believe me I know , I'm trying to find the right way to get to the UK to be with my Mark & everyone  here has been so helpful , I hope you find the answers you need ( I sure you will here ;)) & I hope everything works out for you and your loved one Good luck , and again welcome  :)

 Debbie ,
(aka Wild [smiley=daisy.gif])
Laugh, Love & Be Happy ...life is to short for anything else..

Re: Should we pick the US or UK?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2003, 11:13:07 AM »
Welcome aboard E!  

I really don't know beans about the process of those immigrating from the UK to the US.  It is my understanding that it is a bit more arduous a process with more paperwork and lengthy waiting times.

I came to the UK when my husband and I married.  The reasons for that were multi and somewhat complex although I could also state for simplification that I felt no major ties to the US in that I absolutely needed to stay there.

I found the UK immigration process to be pretty easy.  Of course, going through it, it was still a tough process.  But overall, I simply kept to the script they provided, gave the documentation requested, etc. and all went really smooth with no major problems.  I got my spouse visa in one day.  Went to the UK consular's office in the morning and then went back and picked up the visa in the afternoon.  

Best of luck whatever you decide!

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Re: Should we pick the US or UK?
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2003, 02:13:36 PM »
Hello! :) It's a hrd decision, no matter which way you go - but being in a realationship like this, it's always a comfort (to me atleast) that if one country doesn't "work out" then you've got a new one to try. ;) If we're STRICTLY speaking paperwork here - it's loads easier to go to the UK. You get a fiance visa, go to the UK, get married, go back to the US to get your spouse visa, then thats it. (Basically). Doesn't take long either, you can get your visa, if all your paperwork is in order and theres no huge other circumstances, in one day.

Going to the US is more difficult in my humble opinion. I suppose as far as paperwork it's no different, but it's takes a lot LONGER, especialyl as you're in the US. It's quicker (from what I've learned) if you're both already in the UK & married - but as an engaged couple getting her in the US on a finace isa (K-1) it can take bloody ages.

Go here for more info on the going to the US...

Personally, I moved to England for these reasons:
1. David had a much better job that I did, he couldn't leave him I could easily leave mine
2. The process looked easier to get me into the UK
3. We were sick of being apart. :)

Good luck in whatever you do - it's a really personal decision, I just suggest doing as much research as possible. Thank God for the internet, eh? ;)
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: Should we pick the US or UK?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2003, 05:24:34 PM »
Hi there!

Welcome and good luck! and congraulations on your good taste (ie British GF!!)

It was really easy for my husband to get his fiance visa at the UK consulate in LA, it only took an hour!  Then after we got married we queued up at the Home Office here for about 5 hours to get his "leave to remain" (spouse visa). Very little sweat in terms of the paperwork really. Haven't tried it the other way around yet but from what I've read on the US Embassy website it is a drawn out and much more complicated process. of course you will have a ton of other things to take into consideration besides this but you might find it easier to come and  live in the UK initially.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2003, 07:15:15 PM by Britwife »

Re: Should we pick the US or UK?
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2003, 06:07:32 PM »
Haha, the UK fiance and spouse visas are MUCH quicker than the US ones (how does 1 day to get a UK visa compared to 3 months up to a year to get a US one compare?) For the US you also need a police certificate to show if you have any criminal record, and you must have a medical including vaccinations, blood test and chest X-ray. The US citizen must also sign an affadavit of support to say they'll be financially responsible for your spouse. The US is also more fussy of size and proportions of photos, and you must attend an interview in London at the US Embassy (the medical will be immediately before the interview). Once you have the fiance visa, adjustment to spouse in the US can take anything from a few months to 2 years in NYC. It depends where you live. More information on emigrating to the US through marriage/engagement can be found at www.britishexpats.co.uk.
For the UK visa you do NOT need to go back to the US to adjust to the spouse visa if you already had the fiance visa, you can do that in the UK (just turn up at the IND in Croydon or make an appointment in Birmingham, Liverpool or Glasgow).
As for which country is best to live in, you should maybe make a list of pros and cons. Like cheaper petrol (gas) in the US, bigger houses, versus not having to have health insurance and longer vacation time in the UK.
Good luck!
PS With the UK fiance visa you get 6 months to marry, in the US you get 90 days.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 06:08:00 PM by Squirrel »

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Re: Should we pick the US or UK?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2003, 05:42:49 PM »
Well, I sure appreciate everyone’s comments here.  I think we will decide which direction we’ll be heading very soon.


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