Yep, that's the way the rules work today about marrying on a student visa - rules seem to change on a fairly regular basis, so once in the UK studying, you might want to keep an eye on the rules!
Also, I wouldn't say anything about any kind of a job when applying for a student visa. You are entitled to work part-time whilst on the visa; however, it is NOT a settlement visa, and any hint that you may plan to stay on at the time you apply for the visa is a no no IMO.
I was questioned at the time of my entry on the visa by the IO as to why I would want to study in the UK - why wasn't an American university good enough for what I wanted to study. I was prepared for this question - I tried to prepare in advance for every question under the sun - and I answered it quite honestly from my own personal perspective. Even though I had a visa in my passport entitling me to live in the UK as a full-time student for three years, if I had said something to her that showed I had a different intent, I believe she could very well have sent me back to the US.
Also, on the visa application form, it asks what date you intend to arrive in the UK - I'm not certain, but I think you can arrive 3 months prior to the start of your studies, but I'm not sure. In any event, I gave a date that was 2 months prior to my start date, and that was approved, no questions asked - I actually arrived about six weeks before the start of my studies.