Thanks everyone, I feel SOOOOOOO much better now! I did take lessons when I first got here because I didn't know how to drive a manual car. So I've always felt I've done a huge achievement by learning to drive here. And yes, my hubby doesn't help matters, he can't understand why I find driving so difficult. We've only got one car and can't afford another one right now. But when I can, I'm going to buy my OWN car, and it'll be automatic.
And yes, NOT driving will only make things worse. You know, if you fall off a bike you get back on, so to speak. So I will drive again. I think part of the problem is that because we only have one car, when the 2 of us go anywhere he does all the driving. I just need more practice, I guess. But I won't drive with him in the car, he makes me nervous.
By the way he fixed the garage door the next day. We're now at the "one day we'll look back at this and laugh" stage. We're moving into a new house in a week, hooray! For the heck of it, last night we were looking at expensive houses on and saw a house for £3 million pounds. It had 8 garages and he said, "See that? You could hit a garage door every day of the week!"