my bf is english and we have not lived together for 2 yrs. we have only been dating for 2 yrs in april. he has been to visit me once i have been been to england 3 times. infact i just got back last night from a 4 week stay. we are not engaged, we dont want to get married. my bf, simon, told me that theres a couples of partners visa i can get once we have been together for 2 yrs. we have discussed marriage as the last possible option if it comes down to it but neither one of us want to join the fools club as we call it, lol. no offense to anyone. he said he was reading that you have to have lived together for 2 yrs in order to apply but that doesnt make much sense, we cant live together if i dont have a visa to stay in england. so we are both very confused about that. with all the time added up that we have been physicially together its only like 4 months. its not much i know, but when we both have a job and all that stuff its hard to find time to go stay in another country. im sure a lot of you know what im saying. i was also wondering, my bf is about to take out a loan to buy a house, he has a really good job working for nestle but do you think thats gonna be a problem? will they hold that loan against him?