The "push-pull" steering method and the way you are expected to use the parking brake every time you stop for more than a millisecond are probably two of the most ridiculous parts of the test.
Once you've got the license, you can revert to doing things the normal way.
When it was my time to go, I released the hand brake, and went on my way.
Examiner says, "Sari, your handbrake light is on". I knew right then I had failed. What happened (and I think it was nerves) was that the handbrake got caught on the last tether.
What probably makes that even worse is that the brake was quite likely not binding anyway. On a lot of brake mechanisms as you pull up the handle the light will come on long before the brake actually starts to have any effect. If the car hadn't been fitted with a brake warning light, the examiner would quite possibly have never even noticed that the brake lever was up a notch.
It's not just spouses, but other men (normally) that make strange side comments about automatics. Must be the stick thing...
For some reason, automatic transmission has never become as widely accepted here as in the States, and a lot of British drivers seem to have an inherent dislike of it, even those who have never tried one.